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Showing posts with the label Unified

Use Google Contacts as a Unified Address Book

Your contacts are often scattered across multiple email accounts and social sites. For instance, you may have switched to Gmail but some of your contacts may still be stored in the old address books of Hotmail or Yahoo! Mail. Then there are places like Facebook and LinkedIn that store personal and professional details of your contacts (including profile pictures) but fetching this information into your main address book is often a tricky thing. Use Google Contacts as a Unified Address Book If you find it a hassle to maintain multiple address books, a possible solution is that you consolidate them all into a single cloud-based service like  Google Contacts . Here are some ideas on how you may go about doing this: Step 1: Bring all address books into Google Contacts Go to  Gmail Settings  and click the “Import Mail and Contacts” button to bring all the existing contacts from Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, Google Apps, and your other email accounts into Google Contacts. Next download your a...