Google plus, the trending social
network right now has some cool features in its bag. As most of us are
just beginners these few tricks n tips will help you to master G+.
+1> Facebook Friends on G+> Use this chrome extension Facebook Friend Exporter to
do the job.
+2> You could share photos,videos or links by simply dragging them to
share box next to notifications box or your stream box.
+3> If you have more than one image in the profile album, your profile image
flips when clicked.
+4> *word* for word, _word_ for word &
-word- for word
+5> Mention people byadding + or @ followed by their name
+6> Send private message by sharing your post only with them
+7> To prevent people from sharing your post click on
arrow on top right of your post and click on disable reshare.
+8> Clicking on +1 button is similar to like button on facebook,
clicking on +1 again will remove your +1
+9> To see which pages you +1 click on google, go to +1 tab in your
profile page. hence you could use this as a online bookmark manager.
Anytime you +1 a article on the Web, it’ll show up in the “+1″ tab of your
Google+ profile, giving you an easy way to save favorites or stories you want
to read later.
+10> Clicking the timestamp of an post will display that post with its
own link.
+11> You could use this hotkeys : J(single post scroll down),K(single
post scroll up),Enter(start comment),Tab+enter(post comment)
+12> You can follow celebrities or famous personalities on G+ just like you
do on twitter. just search and add them them to your following circle.
+13> Circles are like following people on twitter, they don’t need to
follow you back.Following a person & following back is similar to sending
an add request and accepting it
+14> When you share with o Your circles everyone
in your circle can see your post. o Extended Circles makes
your post visible for people who are in your friends circles too. When you
share with o Public your post will be visible with everone who
have you in their circles and every single person on G+
+15> Hovering on a circle on circle page, will fade people who are not in
that circle.
+16> Navigate through notifications panel using J,K,O.
+17> On the circles page click on “People who’ve added you” and sort by
“not yet in circle” to find friends who you might have missed.
+18> You can take a specific item entirely out of your
Stream by clicking the small drop-down arrow next to it, then selecting “Mute
this post.” That’ll also keep you from receiving any future notifications about
the item.
+19> Sharing On Facebook and Twitter: You can share
Google+ content on Facebook or Twitter. The Google+ Facebook extension lets you
share and you can install the extension directly from Google Web Store.
Just go to- and get
extension. There is another option for integrating G+ with Facebook or Twitter.
Go to-
+20> You can choose who you chat with. Identify the Circles,
with which you want to chat with. These people will be able to see you online,
and chat with you.
+22> You can use Google+ to save posts and other
important content. Go to your Circles page and search for your own name. Add
yourself to a new circle called “.Save” (or something to that effect). Then,
anytime you see something in your Google+ Stream that you want to save, just
share it with your .Save circle. You can browse through your saved stuff by
opening your .Save stream
+23> Want certain circles to show up higher than others
in the main Stream list? Circles whose names begin with a period (like “.Save”)
will always shoot up to the top. Names starting with an asterisk (like
“*Important”) will appear next.
+24> On the Circles page, hover your mouse over a circle that has at
least 30 people in it, then scroll with your mouse’s scroll wheel. The faces in
the circle will rotate around like a carousel, giving you a nice graphical way
to see who’s inside.
+25> You could chat with anyone even if they are not in
your circles. simply copy their email id to the ‘search people box’ in chat
panel. of-course they need to accept your invitation.
+26> You can edit photos right within Google+. Open any
image from the “Photos” tab of your profile, then click the drop-down box
labeled “Actions” and select “Edit photo.” There, you’ll find a variety of
options for color and contrast correction as well as special effects.
+27> If you often find yourself browsing in another tab and constantly
switching back to Google+ to look for new notifications? Install the G+ Count Chrome extension. It puts your current notification
count in the front of your Google+ page title so you can always see it at a
+28> For even G+ browser integration, give the Surplus Chrome extension a whirl. It adds a live Google+
notification count to the top of your browser; you can even click the button to
access your notifications right there, without having to open Google+ at all.
Author Bio:This is a guest post by Anmol Agarwal.
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