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Google Plus Tricks You Must Know

Google plus, the trending social network right now has some cool features in its bag.  As most of us are just beginners these few tricks n tips will help you to master G+.
+1> Facebook Friends on G+> Use this chrome extension Facebook Friend Exporter to do the job.

+2> You could share photos,videos or links by simply dragging them to share box next to notifications box or your stream box.

+3> If you have more than one image in the profile album, your profile image flips when clicked.

+4> *word* for word,  _word_  for word & -word- for word

+5> Mention people byadding + or @ followed by their name

+6> Send private message by sharing your post only with them

+7>  To prevent people from sharing your post click on arrow on top right of your post and click on disable reshare.

+8> Clicking on +1 button is similar to like button on facebook, clicking on +1 again will remove your +1

+9> To see which pages you +1 click on google, go to +1 tab in your profile page. hence you could use this as a online bookmark  manager. Anytime you +1 a article on the Web, it’ll show up in the “+1″ tab of your Google+ profile, giving you an easy way to save favorites or stories you want to read later.

+10>  Clicking the timestamp of an post will display that post with its own link.

+11> You could use this hotkeys : J(single post scroll down),K(single post scroll up),Enter(start comment),Tab+enter(post comment)

+12> You can follow celebrities or famous personalities on G+ just like you do on twitter. just search and add them them to your following circle.

+13> Circles are like following people on twitter, they don’t need to follow you back.Following a person & following back is similar to sending an add request and accepting it

+14> When you share with o Your circles  everyone in your circle can see your post. o Extended Circles makes your post visible for people who are in your friends circles too. When you share with o Public your post will be visible with everone who have you in their circles and every single person on G+

+15> Hovering on a circle on circle page, will fade people who are not in that circle.

+16> Navigate through notifications panel using J,K,O.

+17> On the circles page click on “People who’ve added you” and sort by “not yet in circle” to find friends who you might have missed.

+18> You can take a specific item entirely out of your Stream by clicking the small drop-down arrow next to it, then selecting “Mute this post.” That’ll also keep you from receiving any future notifications about the item.

+19> Sharing On Facebook and Twitter: You can share Google+ content on Facebook or Twitter. The Google+ Facebook extension lets you share and you can install the  extension directly from Google Web Store. Just go to- and get extension. There is another option for integrating G+ with Facebook or Twitter. Go to-

+20> You can choose who you chat with. Identify the Circles, with which you want to chat with. These people will be able to see you online, and chat with you.

+21> You could  also use the mobile version of Google+

+22> You can use Google+ to save posts and other important content. Go to your Circles page and search for your own name. Add yourself to a new circle called “.Save” (or something to that effect). Then, anytime you see something in your Google+ Stream that you want to save, just share it with your .Save circle. You can browse through your saved stuff by opening your .Save stream

+23> Want certain circles to show up higher than others in the main Stream list? Circles whose names begin with a period (like “.Save”) will always shoot up to the top. Names starting with an asterisk (like “*Important”) will appear next.

+24> On the Circles page, hover your mouse over a circle that has at least 30 people in it, then scroll with your mouse’s scroll wheel. The faces in the circle will rotate around like a carousel, giving you a nice graphical way to see who’s inside.

+25> You could chat with anyone even if they are not in your circles. simply copy their email id to the ‘search people box’ in chat panel. of-course they need to accept your invitation.

+26> You can edit photos right within Google+. Open any image from the “Photos” tab of your profile, then click the drop-down box labeled “Actions” and select “Edit photo.” There, you’ll find a variety of options for color and contrast correction as well as special effects.

+27> If you often find yourself browsing in another tab and constantly switching back to Google+ to look for new notifications? Install the G+ Count Chrome extension. It puts your current notification count in the front of your Google+ page title so you can always see it at a glance.

+28> For even G+ browser integration, give the Surplus Chrome extension a whirl. It adds a live Google+ notification count to the top of your browser; you can even click the button to access your notifications right there, without having to open Google+ at all.
Author Bio:This is a guest post by Anmol Agarwal.


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